New in dbt Cloud: A four-part series on maximizing value

Welcome to what's New in dbt Cloud, an on-demand webinar experience designed to guide you through the latest advancements in dbt Cloud.

Episode 1

How to Get Value Out of Everything New in dbt Cloud

Dive into dbt Cloud's latest innovations, including the new Cloud CLI, CI features, dbt Explorer, dbt Semantic Layer, and dbt Mesh. Discover why these features are not just exciting but crucial for your business's growth and success.

Episode 2

How to Get Value from dbt Mesh

Explore dbt Mesh in action and learn how to manage data complexity at scale effectively. This session will demonstrate how to empower distributed data teams, enhance model governance, and accelerate insights.

Episode 3

How to Get Value from the dbt Semantic Layer

Unlock the full potential of the dbt Semantic Layer and revolutionize how your team shapes and analyzes data. Gain insights into defining metrics centrally, ensuring data reliability, and streamlining processes.

Episode 4

How to Get Value from dbt Explorer

Get acquainted with dbt Explorer and the opportunities it brings for data discovery. Understand how to visualize, navigate, and manage your dbt projects more effectively, improving pipeline performance and reducing costs.

Next steps on your dbt Cloud journey

Start building with dbt Cloud

dbt is free forever for solo developers, and teams can try it out for 14 days. Create an account to escape tedious, disordered workflows and take control of the data you deliver.

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See dbt Cloud in action

Join us for our bi-weekly demos and learn how to easily develop models in the IDE, seamlessly analyze data, and efficiently schedule jobs within dbt Cloud.

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Get a 1x1 dbt Cloud demo

Meet with a dbt expert to assess what dbt Cloud can do to help your team followed by a live product demo with insight into how to get the most benefit from dbt Cloud.

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