Get a 360-degree view of your dbt assets

Use dbt Explorer’s self-generating knowledge base to see the full picture of your dbt projects.

Data teams trust dbt Cloud

CHG Healthcare
Altis Consulting
New Relic
Conde Nast
Air New Zealand

Work with an auto-generated reference of your business logic

Elevate your workflow with dbt Explorer, a new knowledge base for documentation and lineage visualization in dbt Cloud. It allows data teams to easily explore the status and relationships of dbt assets in a performant and user-friendly interface.

See context in one place

Allow your data team to quickly view the lineage and status of their dbt assets without leaving dbt Cloud.

Reuse — don’t rebuild

Increase productivity by letting developers easily discover and reuse assets that have already been built.

Troubleshoot quickly

Save your team time on troubleshooting by quickly tracing issues upstream or downstream.

Understand your dbt projects

Experience the next generation knowledge base for dbt Cloud. It’s highly performant, even at scale, and makes it easy to understand key information like the owners, relationships, and status of your team’s data products and assets.

Proactively improve data quality

Use column-level lineage to quickly identify the potential downstream impacts of table changes, or work backwards to determine the root cause of an incident. dbt Explorer offers the insights you need to tackle data quality proactively to ensure pipelines stay performant and data trust remains solid.

Save time and cost

Optimize your infrastructure spend by allowing your team to quickly discover and re-use what’s already been built—in your project or others. Powerful search and auto-generated lineage enable rapid exploration and iteration. Use recommendations and model performance evaluator to automate documentation and test coverage and identify areas for model optimization.

Gain clarity and control

dbt Explorer is embedded into dbt Cloud and provides an organized, quickly accessible, and user-friendly interface for lineage and documentation, all in a centralized place.

Start building with dbt Cloud

Streamline your data transformation process, reduce manual errors, and increase productivity with dbt Cloud. Sign up today and take your data transformation workflow to the next level.