Bring consistency to your metrics

Define your metrics with the dbt Semantic Layer to optimize governance and productivity for both data and business teams.

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CHG Healthcare

Reliable metrics from a single source of truth

Use the dbt Semantic Layer to centrally define your metrics right alongside your dbt models. You can access them from any integrated analytics tool and get the same answers—everywhere, every time.

Trust your numbers

Define your metrics centrally. They’re referenced dynamically from a single source, so you get consistent results.

Improve access to data

Let non-technical business users self-serve metrics so they can make trusted decisions faster.

Gain the freedom to choose

Give your team the freedom to use their preferred analytics tools, while accessing the consistent metric logic defined in dbt Cloud.

How the Semantic Layer Works

Easily define your metrics

Define your metrics and semantic models as code in easy-to-configure YAML files. Metrics are automatically added to your project’s lineage, making it simple to check upstream and downstream dependencies.

Trust in your deliverables

Ship data products with the knowledge that definitions of key concepts are universal throughout the business. Standardizing with the dbt Semantic Layer ensures that data means exactly what you think it means.

Power a better experience with MetricFlow

Query at scale with MetricFlow, a new addition to the dbt Semantic Layer. It automatically creates a graph of your semantic models and can traverse joins across hundreds of tables. Your team is spared from rigidly designing every metric and dimension—saving time and reducing costs.

Apply consistent metrics wherever you work

Query your trusted, defined metrics from any one of our integrated analytics partners, or export your queries to your data platform and deliver them anywhere. dbt Semantic Layer also supports a variety of data platforms including BigQuery, Databricks, Redshift, and Snowflake.

See dbt Cloud in action

Explore how dbt Labs has helped to achieve better clients outcomes, increase efficiency, and grow their business with customer case studies.

Browse real customer examples

Inventa Builds Confidence in Data Through the dbt Semantic Layer

“One thing I used to hear a lot was 'can I trust this data?' Now everyone knows: if it's there in the warehouse, you can trust it because it's been tested and centralized.”

Gabriel MarinhoLead Analytics Engineer
90% reduction in data maintenance time
13 contributors  to data models, increased from 2
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Deputy improves accuracy and speed with dbt Cloud

“The business now feels very comfortable asking us quirky ad hoc questions, and because we have a model in place, it's easy for us to either build it or answer that query. Productivity is skyrocketing.”

Huss AfzalData Director
+100 data team NPS rated by internal stakeholders
1 week to build new dashboards down from months
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SpotOn reduces time to actionable insights by 6x

"We’ve grown incredibly in the last 2.5 years, and there’s no way that growth would have been possible without bringing in Snowflake, dbt, Metaplane, and the modern data stack"

Ben CohenData Engineering Lead
600% decrease in time to actionable data
8x increase in engineering contribution
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Streamline your data transformation process, reduce manual errors, and increase productivity with dbt Cloud. Sign up today and take your data transformation workflow to the next level.