Table of Contents

  1. Data transformation
  2. Data testing
  3. Implementations + deployment
  4. Documentation + metadata
  5. The modern data stack
  6. Data dream teams

Kimball in the context of the modern data warehouse: what's worth keeping, and what's not

Dave has undergraduates in Physics and EE and a Masters in Electrical Engineering. He is twice an alumni of Y Combinator and was recognized in Forbes’ 30 under 30 in Technology in 2011 and 2012. Before Chartio he worked at IBM on the process for the Xbox 360 and others, where he filed and received multiple patents. When Chartio joined Atlassian in 2021, he became the Head of Cross Product Collaboration and Data Experiences.

[Dimensional modeling]( described in the Kimball Toolbook was in its 3rd edition 15 years ago yet is still the latest in data modeling advice. So much is different in cloud warehouses that many of those best practices are now bad practices. In this talk Dave Fowler, the founder of Chartio and author of Cloud Data Management will go over what no longer applies, and what does.

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