dbt and Starburst

Scale your data development with an integration that lets teams manage complexity on a single, unifying platform.

Centralize and scale with dbt Cloud + Starburst

Connect Starburst to dbt Cloud and enable your team to write queries that join data from different data stores, including cloud data platforms, data lakes, object storage, streaming databases, and more. This centralizes your data development process and streamlines operations for large enterprises that use a wide range of technologies.

Reduce cost and complexity

Create transformation logic that’s pushed down to multiple data stores from a single project—with no data movement required.

Scale complex systems

Reduce the complexity of scaling by federating queries from one source so your team takes control of data at the domain level.

Unite your team

Eliminate bottlenecks and silos with SQL–driven development which lets analysts and engineers collaborate on data transformation and modeling.

Connect to Starburst seamlessly within projects

Start by selecting Starburst as your connection of choice when creating a new dbt Cloud project. After a short setup, you can join from multiple data stores using simple SQL SELECT statements.

Start building with Starburst and dbt

Transform your team's workflow with dbt Cloud and Starburst. It's a winning combination for shipping high-quality data, scaling complexity, and saving costs.

Learn how to get started

Read a quickstart guide, crafted by dbt Labs, on how to use Starburst and dbt Cloud together.

Get started

Create a free account

Sign up for free solo developer account or try dbt Cloud with your team for a 14-day trial—no credit card required.

Create a dbt Cloud account

Book a demo

Chat with an expert who can give your team a personalized demo and help you get the most from dbt Cloud.

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