Table of Contents

  1. Data transformation
  2. Data testing
  3. Implementations + deployment
  4. Documentation + metadata
  5. The modern data stack
  6. Data dream teams

Presenting: SQLFluff

Alan is one of the 2020 UK DataIQ100 and leads the data team at, an online, direct-to-consumer, pet-nutrition business that now feeds over 150,000 dogs across Europe. In his spare time, he has been wrangling with the challenge of shepherding the growing open source community around SQLFluff, a SQL linter for humans.

The dbt project at has over 600 models and 66k lines of code. With multiple contributors to a project and varying SQL backgrounds, it's really difficult to maintain consistent readability and comprehension across a codebase like that by hand.

Python has flake8, Javascript has JSLint, but SQL...?

Join this session to find out whether SQLFluff might help your teams be more productive with SQL.

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