Table of Contents

  1. Data transformation
  2. Data testing
  3. Implementations + deployment
  4. Documentation + metadata
  5. The modern data stack
  6. Data dream teams

How to complete a data modeling project at a $6B company

Vincey is best known for wading through hard technical problems which saw her leading Canva’s standards on elegant and efficient code. She is a huge Python and dbt fan, loves patting dogs and has recently developed an appreciation for picnics.

What does it take to implement a data modeling project when working at a company that's in hypergrowth? In this session, Vincey will take us through a recent project to incorporate mobile app data into Canva's sessionization model, with the added complexity of having to make this work on petabytes of data. She'll share some of the lessons learned along the way, and what they'd do differently if they were doing it again.

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